Laila Gadaleta Klajmic

Ed. Travessa


The Travessa Building, perched on stilts, is one of the structures in the 2+2 square in the center of São Paulo. Its minimal contact with the ground aims to maximize the use of the street level, enabling the extension of public space. It seamlessly connects Praça Princesa Isabel with the social space of Conjunto Prestes Maia, linking Avenida Rio Branco to Alameda Barão de Piracaba. The crossing features numerous stopping and resting points amidst the bustling speed of the city center. The area invites leisure and includes a library, a study area, a gallery, a marquee, and a café.

In addition to the public facilities located in the basement, ground floor, and first and second floors, the building also contains 96 residential apartments. Exclusive to residents, there are two rooftop floors offering spaces for games, relaxation, and work.

The building’s design prioritizes daily interaction with the outside, with all floors surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows. Access is provided through a circulation system completely open to the square. Finally, the building’s structure is independent, allowing for flexible wall arrangements, while circular pillars provide the building's support.

[this project was made for class in architecture school during the 4th semester]

Made by Laila Klajmic and André Villela, with guidance of Cristiane Muniz, Luís Mauro Freire, José Maria Macedo, Bruno Firmino, Priscila Almeida, Bruno Schuina.