Laila Gadaleta Klajmic

3 houses in Rio


Located on a terrain with a high slope, this project is based on the cohesion between three independent but interconnected houses. Close to Pedra do Sal, in Gamboa, Rio de Janeiro, it receives high solar levels, in addition to requiring open areas for leisure and ventilation. each house has approximately 75m2, two floors and one or two bedrooms, allowing for a variety of family arrangements. They feature independent entrances, individual terraces for each house and a common rest and leisure environment for the trio of family groups. A fundamental element of this project is coexistence. The large use of glass and the presence of terraces makes the environment less isolating and more open to sharing the spaces on the land, in addition to bringing spaciousness to a not very large area of ​​land. We experience moments of extreme individuality and lack of coexistence, therefore, we seek to encourage collectivity and the exchange of knowledge and practices through the cohesive arrangement between the three dwellings.

[this project was made for class in architecture school during the 3rd semester, completely by hand]

With guidance of Cristiane Muniz, Luís Mauro, José Maria Macedo, Bruno Firmino, Priscila Almeida, Bruno Schuina.